Life Happens

From the Heart of Grace Waters…

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Dreams Deferred

A dream deferred does not mean a dream denied. There are some things we never even thought to dream for ourselves, but somewhere along the way a seed was planted. Someone believed in us. Within us we began to believe that we have a purpose. Like a flower that blooms into beauty from a simple seed, we expect our dreams to flourish just as assuredly as that flower. We forget, though, that sometimes the elements stop things from growing like they should. Sometimes growth is stunted. Sometimes the dream seems to have died. We see other people’s dreams blooming out of control. One after the other their dreams come true. Then we are left standing, staring at the spot from which our dreams were supposed to grow. Yet, we see not so much as a bud breaking through the seemingly hard ground. We do not realize that just because we cannot see it does not mean that nothing is happening. Underneath the surface, roots are growing. The seed is breaking out of its shell, and the flower is sprouting towards the surface. We may eventually see a bud, but instead of rejoicing in that, we look around at all the other dreams that have come to pass for others. We lament the time it has taken for our dream to come true. We want to forgo the process for the beauty of the dream. We want what everyone else has. It is rough when it seems that everyone else gets that one thing you are hoping for-when someone comes from seemingly nowhere, plants a seed, and it seems to grow overnight. It is hard when it seems your flower is overlooked because someone else’s seems more appealing. What I have had to remember, and what you should to, is that each flower appeals to a different person. Your dream is not far away, and what is in you will appeal to who it needs to. Endure YOUR process. Keep your eye on YOUR dream. It is just around the corner.