Life Happens

From the Heart of Grace Waters…

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Wash Day

Throughout my house I have posted encouraging quotes and inspirational sayings. You could say that I surround myself with uplifting words. A few days ago I happened to glance at my laundry room door. Now, I know what I put on it, and I have looked at it any number of times, but for some reason what was posted hit deeper that day. On the laundry door is posted, “It all comes out in the wash.”

Now, you may be confused and wondering what in the world I could have gotten from the saying, so I’ll share. 🤗

Life has a way of seemingly taking us through cycles. Sometimes we find our way out only to end up in another cycle. Physically we’re moving, but mentally we stay in the same mental cycles. We put on a great facade. Our surface is clean and tidy, but we don’t always put ourselves through the deep wash to get rid of those deep issues.

As I stared at the saying, it hit me that I too had gotten caught up in the cycles. Mentally I was suffering because I expected the same things to happen again and again. I forgot to expect more…to believe that the the cycle had to end. Instead of adjusting my mentality, I was allowing fear, experiences, doubt, and lack of self-confidence to dominate my reality. It’s almost like going through a wash cycle but not using laundry detergent. Things appear clean, but eventually smells seep through, and if put under a microscope, one would see the dirt lurking beneath the surface.

So, I had to take my mindset through a “wash day.” It started with sorting out the myriad of feelings, emotions, and thoughts that permeate my daily existence. Then I prepared my “machine” in the form of my heart to do the work…putting in the desire for better (laundry detergent), a bit of hope in better (fabric softener), the will to be better (bleach), and finally a remembrance of the times before when I’ve come out better (laundry crystals)…and I allowed the agitation of the process to function as necessary. On the other side is better. The process is the vehicle to that…

So, this is your reminder to start your “wash day.” Whatever that means, and whatever it takes, engage in the process. What’s at the end of this cycle has been waiting on you.