Life Happens

From the Heart of Grace Waters…

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Speak to Your Mountain

Life is really like a mountain. It goes up. It goes down. There are high points, and low. No matter how much you may wish otherwise, you sometimes have to climb the mountain to get to your destination. While climbing you may get a little winded. Sweat drips down your face as the hurt compounds. Obstacles pop up. You can choose to go around or climb over. Either way, there is a goal in mind you must reach. Sometimes you really want to quit. Don’t. It may seem easier to turn back instead of facing the struggle. It’s not. Maybe right now it is, but not in the long run. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have wanted to give up. I could go on and on about the obstacles that seemed to block my way. Some obstacles came up because of the path I chose to take. I remember times when I felt so lonely walking the path, but I could not give up. Recently, I climbed to the top of Stone Mountain, a Mountain trail in my area, by myself. It was the plan to have others accompany me, but plans fell through. As I struggled up the mountain, I thought about the difference when I had people climbing up with me. I sought encouragement from them, and I felt valued when they applauded my efforts. This time, though, I had no one but myself. When I wanted to stop, I had to push myself to keep going. When my legs wanted to buckle, I pushed a little harder. I rested when I needed to, but I was determined to make it up. I did. You are not always going to have a cheering squad. It may seem that you walk alone more than most. Maybe your mountains seem insurmountable, but you have to speak to that mountain in your life, and let it know that you will not quit. You will conquer it. As I got to the top of the mountain, I realized, the reward is always worth the process. Things always look clearer once you reach the top.